Hello world!

Hello world, this is the title of every post on every blog for every new project! Brian Kernighan wrote the book C Programming Language in 1973 and the first program was to print "hello, world" to the terminal. This site is a little more complex than that (I think?). I'll be printing way more characters than that even in just this post. And those characters are being sent over the internet (didn't exist in '73) with Javascript (also didn't exist in '73). But this is the first thing on this site, even if it's not the first program I've ever written nor the first time I've tried to write a blog.

I want to share my development experiences with you! I've been a software engineer since 2021. I still learn something every day. I also read a lot of tutorials, some of which are really useful! I plan to document the opportunities and challenges that I encounter as a developer. I also plan to include some tutorials for the technologies I use to build projects, including this blog.


This site is built with Next.js! Next.js is the React Framework for Production and it is amazing. Out of these box it addresses these challenges common to React and Single-page apps:

  • Routing
  • Static and server rendering
  • Bundling
  • Image optimization

and many more. I promise I am not a shill for Vercel but I've had a great experience working with it professionally and for hobby projects.

Second, I use styled-components for styling. I'm working on building my CSS skills and it's a great CSS framework for building reusable components.

This blog is hosted on Vercel! I also use MongoDB for different database operations.